Product Designer



I believe in the delicate balance between the best user experience and client needs.

Throughout my career, I've seen people who believe creativity is above everything else. I've seen people say that the client is always right. I've also seen people who would only work for the User Experience. But the ones who inspired me the most were the ones who would work hard to achieve the balance between those three things.

Working on an agile team, I've learned to work with strong communication across a multidisciplinary team. To hear multiple sides with conflicting pain points and finding solutions that satisfied everyone.

Working at advertising agencies from all sizes, I've learned to do everything on my own and solve my problems, but also to stop and understand if I was going the right way or not.

Working at a strategy consulting company, I've learned to work closely with stakeholders and our clients. We would solve their pain through design thinking and multiple workshops.

Do you think I'm the right fit for your team? Or not? Why? What do you think we should strive for at our work? I'm always up for a good chat. Let's talk!



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linkedin: /lukavasconcelos


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Goodnotes | Stackin | Netguru | Indra/Itaú Unibanco | Malagueta Group | Neogama | Lew'LaraTBWA | RAPP Brasil | Helix | Fess'Kobi | ClickOn | Retrato Falado


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